Objective : Complete "Fishing Jiangxue" and "Yanxiao's Dilemma." Objective : Explore Watatsumi Island, following in the steps of an unknown researcher Objective : Play a game of pirates with Little Lulu, Little Fei and Little Meng. Objective : Break the seal over the Electro Archon's shrine. Today, This Seal - Tomorrow, Watatsumi Island! Objective : Find all of Rinzou's Buried Treasure Objective : Gain the most valued treasure of a great pirate from the ramblings of drunkards. Objective : Scare the fish away when casting your rod. Objective : Allow a struggling fish to get off the hook. Objective : Use the Kamuijima Cannon to reveal a treasure trove. Objective : Find all the shrines on Yashiori Island. Objective : Pay your respects to the deceased. Objective : Find out who Zhenyu really is. Objective : Witness the end of the Iwakura Clan. Objective : Even Paimon gets tired sometimes. You could hear Paimon all along, couldn't you? Objective : Make an unexpected friend in an unexpected location. Objective : Discover the remains of many ruin machines. Objective : Obtain an ancient weapon made of Starsilver. Objective : Follow the path of one of the members of the long-lost investigation team to where they embarked on their journey home. Objective : Meet all sorts of people during your adventure. Objective : Sprint continuously (or use an alternative sprint) for over 15s. Objective : Consume the food during "Food Delivery" Objective : Help Masanori return to his senses. Objective : Reach the very top of Qinyun Peak. Objective : Draw a "Great Curse" slip at the Grand Narukami Shrine. Objective : Follow in the footsteps of immortals, and unlock the Domain's door. Objective : Help Hiromi resolve his angst. Objective : Follow the Seelie and light the torches to unlock the entrance to a domain in Wuwang Hill. Objective : Witness the fate of the Samurai. Objective : Sprint continuosly for over 15s. Objective : See through the illusions of the Tanuki several times. Objective : Open the chest in the middle of the heart-shaped rock formation. Objective : Reach the top of the tower in Stormterror's Lair. Objective : Complete "Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow." Objective : Defeat a Cryo Hypostasis that is in a weakened state. Objective : Successfully join the resistance. Objective : Become the target of the Vision Hunt Decree. Objective : Officially make the acquaintance of the young lady of the Kamisato Clan. Objective : Come into contact with the Statue of the Omnipresent God, the symbol of Eternity. Objective : Complete "Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves." Objective : Earn your first victory in The Crux Clash. Objective : Earn the chance to go to Inazuma on board the Alcor. Objective : Complete "The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia." The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia Objective : Rescue Masakatsu successfully.

Objective : Complete the "three small wishes." Objective : Discover a secret passageway in Ritou. Objective : Heal Tang Wen with some delicious dishes. Objective : Defeat a Perpetual Mechanical Array after paralyzing all 4 types of its Ruin Sentinels. Objective : Meet Neko, the "Provisional Head Priestess of the Asase Shrine." Objective : Defeat a Pyro Hypostasis after being hit by its mimetic 3-hit combo. Objective : Defeat a Pyro Hypostasis that has reignited twice. Objective : Defeat a Maguu Kenki without triggering its "Oushi no Omote" parry. In This Solemn Matter Let No One Interfere! Objective : Defeat a Maguu Kenki without being hit by its phantom's attacks. Objective : Obtain the diagram of a certain weapon from the past. Objective : Get struck down by Balethunder. Objective : Obtain the grand prize from Takashi's chests. Objective : Defeat the revived Electro Hypostasis. Objective : Disable the containment dome surrounding the Mikage Furnace. Objective : Find Washizu's lost possessions. Objective : Unlock all the mechanisms onboard the "Seiraimaru". Objective : Sometimes, the real treasure is the things you learn along the way. Objective : Draw a "Great Fortune" fortune slip at the Grand Narukami Shrine.

Objective : Play a game of Temari with Kujirai. Objective : Feed the Kittens on Seirai Island and gain their affection
Genshin the divine halberd mocks the heavens series#
Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity - Series II Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity - Series I Snezhnaya Does Not Believe in Tears - Series I Rest assured that we will continue updating this page to reflect all the achievements and all upcoming ones for the future updates. These are all the currently confirmed achievements our team has found in the game.