However, we only accept and approve Research II requests twice a year. Research II is for relatively large allocations.(Note: CPP partners can have their limit raised to 100K SUs.) Please note that Research I allocations cannot be rolled over for subsequent years. However, the overall SUs requested cannot exceed 50K SUs. This means people can submit multiple requests for a Research I allocation every year.

All research allocations applied for before September 30 th will expire at the end of this day. The allocation cycle year goes from October 1 st of one year and until the same day of the next. Research allocations are audited annually, which means that they do expire. It is suggested that the application be roughly 2 or 3 pages in length. If this is not the applicant's first time applying for research allocations, they must write a summary of the outcomes and achievements of previous allocations at the RCC and list all publications related to them. Applicants also need to provide a reasonable estimate of the amount of SUs that they request. To request research allocations, a formal written proposal needs to be provided, including several paragraphs describing the background, the content of the research, and computational tasks using the allocations. The committee has the right to deny the request or reduce the amount of requested SUs in the applications.

Research allocations need to be applied for via the RCC website and approved by the Research Allocation Advisory Committee. Research Allocation: the main source of allocation for the research activities of RCC users. It is a one-time allocation of 10,000 SUs expiring one year after initial allocation. Startup Allocation: automatically deposited during the creation of a new PI account. An account can have multiple types of allocations. The other types of allocations are used for PI accounts. Education allocations are the only allowed type of education accounts. Allocations of SUs can be obtained from multiple types of requests: Startup, Research, Education, and Special.