Notably, Esbern (the narrator of the trailer) is voiced by Max von Sydow. Martin is voiced by Sean Bean and The Dragon Mankar Camoran by Terence Stamp.

Dishonored had Michael Madsen and Susan Sarandon as Daud and Granny Rags, respectively.Fallout 3 has the main character's father James voiced by Liam Neeson.

note Also, if anyone ever visits a Fan Convention, professional voice actors will often recommend newcomers be on-stage theatre actors before entering the voice acting business. Some on-stage/Hollywood actors - Mark Hamill and Eden Riegel, to name two - moved on to voice acting later in their video careers.

Indeed, there are a fair number of performers who have managed strong careers in both fields and do not qualify for the pitfalls of this, although becoming equally famous in both is unusual. For instance, the master actor Dustin Hoffman won an Annie Award for performing the voice of Master Shifu in Kung Fu Panda to go along with his older Oscars. Some celebrities prove to be very talented at voice acting, and would likely be among the most prolific at the profession if they did it exclusively. It's important to note that this is not always a recipe for disaster. While professional voice actors are capable of utilizing a wide vocal or acting range to create a given character's personality, celebrities are usually cast for marketing purposes because audiences will recognize the popular actor. As it turns out, professional voice actors ( especially Billy West and Tara Strong) are not exactly pleased that their jobs are being poached by actors from other disciplines, which makes sense, as it implies that the performing skills are interchangeable.